
Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Persuasive Writing (Entry 5)

Should Animals Be Kept in Cages for Our Amusement?

It was a throwback that I remember when I was about 7 years old, my dad and mom taking me to the zoo in Malacca. I was amazed when I first set eyes on all of the tigers, lions, giraffes, elephants, orang-utan, and bears. That time, I was thinking how great it was, someone had brought all of these animals from all over the world, and put them in a zoo for my entertainment. But now, as I have grown older, it has become clear to me; animals should not be caged for our entertainment.

Most animals kept caged up in zoos will never know how living free feels. Take for example, Malacca own orang-utan. Orang-utan is probably Malaysian most famous animal, but do you think he cares or even knows. All he knows is that he has been sitting in a cage for over 20 years. Orang-utan does not know what his natural habitat is or even looks like. He has never had a chance to hunt, play about, or until recently even mate. he has just been sitting in a cage day after day watching people watching him.

A lot of animals that were caged in zoos are taken out of their natural environment and climate. These animals are often forced to live in climates they are not adapted to or even capable of adapting to. For example, the camel. Camel are animals that are used to their temperature ranges from 34 °C (93 °F) at dawn and steadily increases to 40 °C (104 °F) by sunset, before they cool off at night again and putting them in a place in desert-like condition. For an animal like the elephant, however, it is the opposite. Elephant are used to tropical temperatures year round. But some elephants are forced to live in places where the temperature is below freezing for months. Animals like these are not capable of adapting to climates humans forces them into.

As a kid, I love going to the zoo and seeing all the different and various type of animals. I did not use to think twice about hoe the animals must feel trapped in those small cages. But now, as I am learning more about freedom and free will to choose to live how I wish, I am forced to take a step back and look at these caged animals. I realize these animals have the same desire for freedom that I have. Putting myself in their shoes I have also come to realize that caging animals for entertainment is wrong.

#hoping that our parties that concern be out this would help to resolve it. Animals should be return to their place where they should be to live.

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